Tag: devops

Theory Of Constraints & The Goal

The Goal by Eliyahu Goldratt is a seminal book in the field of business management that explores the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a methodology for identifying and addressing bottlenecks in a system. While the book focuses on manufacturing, the principles of TOC can be applied to many different industries, including software development. In this post,

Southwest Airlines and Technical Debt

We have all heard the news about the 2022 Christmas Cold front and the devastation it has lead to across the country. One company in particular was hit hard and that was Southwest Airlines. 1000s of flights have been delayed or canceled and 1000s of people stranded across the country. This is what Gene Kim

DevOps is the New Waste in 2023

When I first heard about DevOps around 12 years ago I was working for a company called Rally Software. When I asked one of my co-workers what DevOps meant he said “It’s when developers have root access in production”. My immediate though was “The horror!!”. For the last 12 years I’ve studyed the writings and

Self-Service CI/CD Pipelines

I recently had to spend time educating new teammates on the evolution of CI/CD. I figured I would spend sometime here sharing what that looked like. CI/CD Platforms (Crawl) The first thing I had to teach them was that a CI/CD platform is NOT a CI/CD pipeline. However this is generally where companies start when

Why Companies Fail At Agile

If you aren’t deploying to production every day (or multiple times a day) not only is your company’s DevOps model a failure but so is your agile practice, and I would bet you still think “release trains” are a good idea.