Self-Service CI/CD Pipelines

I recently had to spend time educating new teammates on the evolution of CI/CD. I figured I would spend sometime here sharing what that looked like. CI/CD Platforms (Crawl) The first thing I had to teach them was that a CI/CD platform is NOT a CI/CD pipeline. However this is generally where companies start when

Why Companies Fail At Agile

If you aren’t deploying to production every day (or multiple times a day) not only is your company’s DevOps model a failure but so is your agile practice, and I would bet you still think “release trains” are a good idea.

Ethereum: Next Generation Cloud Platform

You can’t turn on the news today and not hear about cryptocurrency or better yet Bitcoin the most popular and most lucrative currency on the market today. While bitcoin is all the buzz most people don’t have the slightest clue how it works or why this technology is so amazing we just know it’s trading

Is DevOps Dead In 2018?

So this might sound like a really odd question coming from me considering most people think I am a DevOps consultant (whatever that means) or that I was running and building DevOps teams before that. The truth is that under the DevOps name I’ve been promoting the idea that, as some have put it “Products

Testing Ansible Roles With KitchenCI

If you are doing any work in the DevOps space you have probably heard about Ansible. Ansible, currently is the fastest growing configuration management and orchestration tool on the market right now. As infrastructure teams move toward infrastructure development teams these teams need to start thinking like standard development teams. As infrastructure development teams start