If you are doing any work in the DevOps space you have probably heard about Ansible. Ansible, currently is the fastest growing configuration management and orchestration tool on the market right now. As infrastructure teams move toward infrastructure development teams these teams need to start thinking like standard development teams. As infrastructure development teams start
Recently I addended Docker’s MTA (Modernize Traditional Apps) program. My company was the first 4-5 companies that has ever attended this training and it was an honor to be part of such an exclusive group. The biggest take away for me was that Docker is the new VMware. Now, this isn’t the first time I’ve
I’ve spent my entire career in operations and or infrastructure related roles, and over the years I’ve come to understand why most operations teams don’t scale and why they become the bottleneck for most companies. Now this isn’t going to be an argument for just using Heroku, or AWS, or CloudFoundy I’m going to explain
The current buzz in the industry is how DevOps is changing the world and how the traditional role of operations is changing. Part of these discussions lead to building self-service automation tools which enable developers to actually deploy and support their own code. I want to discuss a little bit about the work I did
As I always do I was checking out the DevOps group on LinkedIn and a question caught my attention “How can you gauge a company’s commitment to DevOps philosophy?” I thought that was an interesting question, and it turned out to be a very interesting discussion. Below is my reply.